From water/wastewater treatment to facilities upgrades to one of a kind upgrades on treasured city icons, Industrial Constructors/Managers, Inc. (ICM) is ready to take on the challenges.
With the need to constantly evolve and improve, Industrial Constructors/Managers Inc. (ICM), is proud to provide creative solutions through the use of our highly trained and skilled craft employees. Our proven track record allows our client’s to rest easy knowing that their needs will be met in the most cost effective, timely and safe manner imaginable.
Industry Experience
City of Loveland, Colorado North Lake Park Train Depot
2008 Democratic National Convention, Denver, Colorado, numerous projects
City of Greeley, Colorado, Treated Water Reservoir Rehabilitation
Denver Water, Kendrick Pump Station
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, Dyno Test Facility
City and County of Denver, Colorado, 9-1-1 Tower Upgrades
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Denver, Colorado Cherry Creek Dam Equipment Repairs
Colorado Springs Utilities
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, Steam Utilities Upgrades
City of Pueblo Water Works